
Arminius wiki
Arminius wiki

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They proceed further into the camp and kill the two soldiers guarding the standard. Thusnelda and Folkwin gain entry through the front barrier while posing as a noble with a sex slave for Centurion Metellus. They devise a plan to invade the Roman fort along with Hanno and Eigil. Then everyone will see that Rome isn’t invincible.

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The two agree that waiting for a sign is senseless, so they plot to capture the Roman’s standard. Thusnelda informs Folkwin of her meeting with Runa, though he doesn’t believe in the gods sending signs nor oracles for that matter. If Thusnelda is truly meant to fight, the gods will send her a sign. Runa explains that only Wodon, the father of the gods, can see what will happen. Thusnelda questions what task must she complete. He’s been to the kingdom of death and returned.

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Runa informs Thusnelda that Ansgar is a favorite of the gods. Though I was not." Unbeknownst to Thusnelda, Folkwin watches from afar. Thusnelda goes out to the bog and calls out the gods: "Women of the woods. Thusnelda apologizes for her actions, which led to Ansgar’s injuries, but Irmina is overwhelmed with grief and slaps Thusnelda. She chants repeatedly while rubbing a white paste on his face. Thusnelda and Irmina take Ansgar to a seeres named Runa. So he hits him over the head with the handle of his sword, knocking Ansgar unconscious and splitting his head open as blood runs down his face. Ansgar comes to her rescue and bites Metellus’ arm. This upsets the Romans, who grab Thusnelda and drag her by her hair. When Segimer refuses, Segestes kneels down to kiss the standard, but Thusnelda intervenes, shoving away the eagle and accosting her father. As a show of loyalty to Rome, Metellus asks Segimer to kiss their standard a golden eagle mounted onto a staff. The Romans arrive to collect tribute, but they are unimpressed. Folkwin proposes they run away together, but in doing so, they would be banished, and Thusnelda doesn’t want that for either of them. Folkwin accuses her father of being a Roman lover and says that he’s disloyal and doesn’t care for her. After having sex in the woods, she informs Folkwin that she’s been promised to Hadgan. Thusnelda reminds Folkwin of the oath they once swore and looks to his necklace of a leather bound tooth. She accuses them of being spineless and cowardly. On the path home, she is tackled and pinned to the ground by Folkwin. As the tribal meeting concludes, Thusnelda races back to her village. Thusnelda sneaks out and spies on the meeting of the tribes. Hadgan remarks that while Thusnelda’s hips are small, she has good teeth and strong muscles. However, Thusnelda has yet to warm up to the idea of being sold. Her parents intend to sell their daughter to Reik Hadgan for the bridal price of five mares. Thusnelda plays with her younger brother, Ansgar until their father tells her to let her hair down and to follow him.


Throughout the Series Season 1 Stealing the Eagle They each hold close to them a tooth from the wolf, which Thusnelda wears around her neck. The three of them swore a pact of allegiance one evening after Ari was nearly killed by a wolf. Arminius and Folkwin were her two closest friends in childhood. Thusnelda was born and raised alongside her younger brother, Ansgar, among the Cherusci, by their father, Segestes and mother, Irmina. Together, Thusnelda and Ari led the tribes into battle and defeated Rome, though it came at the cost of her eye, which she sacrificed for wisdom as Woden did before her. What started out as a political play eventually developed into a genuine relationship following Folkwin's presumed death. And so, the two them reunited with Arminius and forged an alliance with the neighboring tribes to over throw Rome.Īlthough Arminius became the rightful Reik of Cherusci, his leadership was being questioned by the very same people he swore to protect as he was once aligned with the Romans, so he and Thusnelda got married as she beared the tribes' trust and respect. After her brother, Ansgar, was nearly killed by the Romans, Thusnelda, Folkwin, Hanno, and Eigil infiltrated the Romans' camp and stole their eagle in retaliation, which ultimately resulted in Folkwin's family being crucified and a bounty being placed on his head. Thusnelda is a Germanic warrior from Cherusci. Thusnelda is a main character on the Netflix original series Barbarians. And the world will forever know… of our victory! And until the end of time, it will be sung aloud. For your courageous feats will Donar smile. Those who come after won't forget what you did for them here. It's proof you want? It's proof you want? It's proof you want? I see a long battle. The father of the gods has seen what's coming.

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